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asalamualaikum to viewers.first of all,thanks for viewing.i just made up my mind to sign up for being bloggers so sorry for the un-updated page.i am still learning and trying to be one =) hopefully you guys enjoy reading yeah! do be my followers!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Glitch in new game

I'm so excited to play this game. Yes think positive that I will finish this.
Its started so smoothly at the 1st chapter I can be joker sometimes to blend in and finish the game,
And day by day, I just noticed there was some glitch in this game. But I just ignore it maybe it just me.
So I just continue the game,sometimes its seems okay sometimes is not but i still go with the flow.
But i was shocked,that inside the game I becoming the dummies.
There is a lot of insulting and 'hahaha' going on.
I trying to mute the sound maybe its not the sound from the game.
The glitch become worse and worse.
What wrong with this game actually.
Im trying to faking the smile not because Im not trying to be hypocrite but the game almost finish so i should finish it.
And 1 day the worst part finally came.
The glitch just show the true form. That time I was playing the game with my bro. Lol not only me noticed it. Pity my bro just got in the game and trying so hard to finish it.But there is worst problem happened. Its so clearly about the glitch and differences.
So i keep my head in the game go with the flow. It become worse I being blamed!
I just get lectured by my St Michael high school Counseling teacher about my life!
It my life my rulez!
You just don't even now what im dealing with!
LOL even your education level its higher than me that is not shows that you know everything about LIFE.
Remember!you JUST know my name NOT my STORY!
I have my family to question what am i doing.So don't try so hard to show you so good.
After that day Im muted the sound of the game. Just keep playing and trying to faced all the glitch and clearing my mind.
And the game almost finish and there was stranger came to my house again questioning my life and blaming me that Im the causes of the glitch.
I tried so hard to kept the problem but i was shocked other gamers noticed the glitch.
Hahaha so is not just me being crazy.
So the game just finish. I trying to clear the path but i being blamed again.
But there is a few gamers strengthen my soul. Give some advice.
So the moral of the story not every game you played is will be run smooth as what it looks like.
So sometimes it so worthless to blend in with the game.
There is quote that build up my spirit back
' The only person that i need to be better than
Is the person that i was yesterday. Not YOU!
And the person that i should make it worth it and satisfying is my family and myself.Not YOU!!!'
So walk away.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Shocked and thanksfull

Thanks for what you've done i try so hard to fetch you back to keep in touch takes me many years.But today there is some miracle.im so shocked but still happy..
Thanks NSIBS